Dr. Smriti

Myths and Facts on TMJ


Myth 1: TMJ only affects older adults.

Fact: TMJ can affect individuals of all ages, including children, teenagers, and adults. Age is not a determining factor for TMJ development.

Myth 2: TMJ is just jaw pain.

Fact: While jaw pain is a common symptom of TMJ, it is not the only manifestation. TMJ can also cause headaches, clicking or popping sounds, earaches, facial discomfort, difficulty chewing, and jaw locking.

Myth 3: TMJ is always caused by teeth grinding.

Fact: Teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism, can contribute to TMJ symptoms, but it is not the sole cause. TMJ can result from various factors, including jaw injury, arthritis, misalignment of the joint, stress, or a combination of these factors.

Myth 4: TMJ requires surgery to be treated.

Fact: Surgery is typically considered as a last resort for severe cases of TMJ that do not respond to conservative treatments. Many individuals with TMJ find relief through non-surgical approaches such as pain management techniques, lifestyle modifications, dental splints, medications, and physical therapy.

Myth 5: TMJ will resolve on its own.

Fact: While some cases of TMJ may improve or resolve without specific treatment, many individuals require intervention to manage their symptoms effectively. Ignoring TMJ symptoms can lead to worsening pain and discomfort over time.

Myth 6: Resting the jaw is the best treatment for TMJ.

Fact: Complete rest of the jaw is not always necessary or recommended for TMJ management. Gentle jaw exercises, stress reduction techniques, and maintaining a soft diet can be beneficial. Movement and muscle strengthening exercises prescribed by a healthcare professional can help improve jaw mobility and reduce muscle tension.

Myth 7: TMJ can be diagnosed solely based on symptoms.

Fact: Diagnosing TMJ requires a comprehensive evaluation, including a clinical examination, review of dental and medical history, and possibly imaging tests. Symptoms alone cannot confirm a TMJ diagnosis, as they can overlap with other conditions.

Myth 8: TMJ is not a serious condition.

Fact: While TMJ is not life-threatening, it can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Chronic TMJ symptoms can lead to chronic pain, difficulty eating, decreased quality of sleep, and emotional distress. Seeking appropriate treatment is important to alleviate symptoms and improve daily functioning.

Myth 9: Only a dentist can treat TMJ.

Fact: While dentists often have expertise in TMJ disorders, other healthcare professionals, such as oral and maxillofacial surgeons, physical therapists, and orofacial pain specialists, can also diagnose and treat TMJ. A multidisciplinary approach may be required for comprehensive TMJ management.

Myth 10: TMJ will always require lifelong treatment.

Fact: While some individuals may require ongoing management for TMJ, many experience significant improvement and can achieve long-term symptom control with appropriate treatment and self-care strategies. Each case of TMJ is unique, and the duration of treatment can vary depending on the individual’s response to interventions.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or TMJ specialist for accurate information and personalized guidance based on your specific condition.
